tamarindus indica การใช้
- The caterpillars generally feed on Fabaceae, such as tamarind " Tamarindus indica ".
- Along the west coast of South India, " G . gummi-gutta " is popularly termed " Malabar tamarind ", and shares culinary uses with the tamarind ( " Tamarindus indica " ).
- The principal trees of the riverine forest include Acacia elatior, Ficus sycamorus, Garcinia livingstonei, Mimusops fruticosa and Tamarindus indica, while the surrounding scrub consists of more stunted Acacia nilotica with a dense undergrowth of herbs and tall grasses.
- Vm8 10 the formula of " Tamarindus indica "; bract and petaloid bracteoles; monosymmetric calyx of three and two petaloid sepals; monosymmetric corolla of three and two reduced petals; two whorls of stamens, the outer monosymmetric from three fused and two reduced stamens, the inner of 4 reduced and 1 lost stamen; monosymmetric gynoecium of 1 carpel with superior ovary; marginal placentation with 8 10 ovules per gynoecium.